contact us

Please use the form on the right to contact us.  We look forward to getting back to you as soon as possible. 

2nd Floor
Modesto, CA 95354
United States of America

(209) 896-9080

Andrea Fatone is the principal and founding attorney of Fatone Law, a firm dedicated to Criminal Defense and United States Immigration and Naturalization Law. Her practice is devoted to providing each client with the time and attention to detail that their case deserves.

Fluent in English and Spanish, she works closely with the Latino community, but welcomes the opportunity to work with people of all nationalities and backgrounds. Andrea understands that the United States legal system can be overwhelming, and at times, frightening and traumatic.

Andrea looks forward to providing you with the information you need to make informed decisions, guiding you through the intricacies of your case, and fighting tenaciously to protect your rights.


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DACA Renewal Workshop

Andrea Fatone

If you are in need of DACA Renewal ASAP, then don't miss out on this FREE Sacramento event that can assist in the application for renewal of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals!  Be sure to pre-register so that your spot is ensured!  

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